#' @title Get names and information on files in folder
#' @description Get names and information on files in folder.
#' @author Pieter Overdevest
#' @param c.path Full path to folder of interest.
#' @param b.recursive Should we look inside subfolders (default: FALSE).
#' @param c.file.type What file type to retrieve? (default: NULL).
#' @param b.return.md5 Should MD5 be returned? (default: FALSE).
#' @returns Data frame with information on the files observed in concerned folder.
#' @details -
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df.output <- f_get_filenames_in_folder(
#' c.path,
#' b.recursive,
#' c.file.type,
#' b.return.md5
#' )
f_get_filenames_in_folder = function(
b.recursive = FALSE,
c.file.type = NULL,
b.return.md5 = FALSE
) {
# b.recursive = FALSE
# c.file.type = NULL
# b.return.md5 = FALSE
# c.path = c.path.source
# b.recursive = FALSE
# c.file.type = NULL
# c.path = c.path.destination
# b.recursive = FALSE
# c.file.type = NULL
# c.path = paste0(path.iwd, "Documents/")
# b.recursive = FALSE
# c.file.type = NULL
# c.path = path.data
# b.recursive = FALSE
# c.file.type = "xls"
# b.return.md5 = TRUE
# c.path = path.datachamp.dropbox
# c.file.type = "csv"
# c.path = c.folder.source
# b.recursive = FALSE
# c.file.type = "qmd"
# b.return.md5 = FALSE
# c.path = c.folder.source
# b.recursive = FALSE
# c.file.type = "qmd"
# b.return.md5 = FALSE
if(!dir.exists(c.path)) {
stop("The folder '", c.path, "' does not exist!\n\n")
if(is.null(c.file.type)) {
c.pattern <- NULL
} else {
c.pattern <- paste0("\\.", c.file.type, "[xm]?$")
# Get all files in the path folder that match c.pattern.
# path a character vector of path names. The default corresponds to the working directory returned by getwd(). You can specify more than one directory path.
# pattern a character string containing a regular expression. If the basename of a file matches the regular expression, it is returned. See the regexpr function for details on regular expressions. By default, NULL, specifying returning all files found in path.
# all.files a logical value. If TRUE, the entire contents of directory are returned. If FALSE (the default, only visible (non-hidden) file or directory names are returned. (Hidden files or directories are those with names that begin with a period.)
# full.names a logical value. If TRUE, the directory path is prepended to the returned names. If FALSE (the default), only the file or directory name is in the return value.
# recursive a logical value. If TRUE, the file names in all directory paths are listed recursively. When include.dirs=TRUE, the names of subdirectories are also returned. The default is FALSE.
# ignore.case a logical value. If TRUE, uppercase and lowercase characters are considered equivalent when matching. The default is FALSE.
# include.dirs a logical value. Only used when recursive=TRUE. If TRUE, both names of files and subdirectories are returned. Otherwise, only names of files are returned.
df.file <- tibble(
full.path = list.files(
# We remove the '/' at the end to prevent a double '/' in the full.path.
path = gsub("/$", "", c.path),
recursive = b.recursive,
full.names = TRUE,
ignore.case = TRUE,
pattern = c.pattern
# Check whether a file was found.
if (nrow(df.file) == 0) {
"No files found of {ifelse(is.null(c.file.type), 'any', c.file.type)} type in path '{c.path}'!\n\n"
# Clean up the file names and get the concerned file name.
df.output <- df.file %>%
# Is observation a file or a folder?
mutate(is.dir = file.info(full.path)$isdir) %>%
# Verwijder directories
filter(!is.dir) %>%
# Determine file and folder name.
folder.name = dirname(full.path),
file.name.ext = basename(full.path),
file.name = gsub("\\.[a-zA-Z]*$", "", file.name.ext),
file.name.core = gsub("^[0-9]{4} [0-9]{2} [0-9]{2} - ", "", file.name),
file.name.core = gsub("^[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2} [0-9]{2} - ", "", file.name.core),
file.ext = str_extract(file.name.ext, "[a-zA-Z]*$"),
# Is observation a hidden file?
is.hidden = grepl("^~", file.name),
# Get the last modified date for file.
date.last.mod = as_date(file.info(full.path)$mtime),
# Get the last modified datetime for file.
datetime.last.mod = as_datetime(file.info(full.path)$mtime),
# File size (kB).
file.size.kb = file.info(full.path)$size / 1024,
# Extract date from file name.
date.in.file.name = file.name %>%
str_extract("^[0-9]{4} [0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}") %>%
time.in.file.name = file.name %>%
gsub("^[0-9]{4} [0-9]{2} [0-9]{2} - ", "", .) %>%
str_extract("^[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}"),
contains.date = !is.na(date.in.file.name),
contains.time = !is.na(time.in.file.name)
# Added 'quiet = TRUE' because hms() gives warning when it cannot parse time, or all are NA.
df.output <- df.output %>%
time.in.file.name = lubridate::hms(time.in.file.name, quiet = TRUE)
) %>%
arrange(date.in.file.name, time.in.file.name)
# Voeg md5 toe, indien gevraagd.
if(b.return.md5) {
df.output <- df.output %>%
file.md5 = tools::md5sum(full.path)
if(sum(df.output$is.hidden) > 0) {
"The folder '{c.path}' contains {sum(df.output$is.hidden)} case(s) of hidden files. These are ",
"included in the listed output:\n {paste(df.output %>% filter(!is.hidden) %>% pull(file.name),
collapse = '\n')}\n\n"
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